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In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Beatles first trip to America (February 7, 1964), I wanted to take a shot at writing down my top 10 favorite Beatles songs. I will often joke that trying to pick a favorite Beatles song or album is like trying to decide which one of your children you love the most.
There are obviously a LOT of great songs to choose from. In fact there are so many that when Rolling Stone magazine compiled their own list, it included 100 songs! This is utterly astounding for a group whose recording career only spanned eight years.
Let me start by saying that I think the Beatles are the greatest group in the history of music. This wasn’t always the case, but after re-experiencing their catalog through the ears of my daughters, I’ve come to fully embrace their genius. Even though I’ve listed my top 10 favorites below, this list might change on a day-by-day basis as I continue to listen to their incredible music, especially with my two young daughters.
So, without further ado, here is my list for February 7, 2014…
The Life of Abraham
Lesson 7: Scheme of Sarai
(Genesis 16:1-16)
For students in my Wednesday night class on The Life of Abraham: Handouts and Notes for Lesson 7 are now available online. Lord willing we will cover this text tomorrow night at 6:30pm at Bellevue Church of Christ!