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Friday’s Run
After a rescheduled off-day on Thursday (Friday is my normal off-day) due to my day-trip to Ft. Lauderdale, Friday was a 6-miler at “easy” pace. I met Brian and Nathan at Bellevue United Methodist Church parking lot and we went down Sawyer Brown to Hwy 70, did two laps around the vacant Bellevue Center Mall, and then headed back up Sawyer Brown to close out the run. It was a pleasant run in cooler temps and a steady rain. I didn’t keep track of our splits, but overall it was a little faster than most of our recent “easy” paced runs.
Saturday’s Run
Yesterday was my first “tempo” run of the Hansons Advanced Plan. The objective was to complete 6-miles at goal marathon pace (7:26). Thankfully Brian joined me for this workout at the Edwin Warner Park picnic area, and we caught a great break in the weather. It was 55° with relatively mild humidity.
After a 2.75-mile warmup, with 3 stride outs, we ran all 6 “tempo” miles out-and-back on the Harpeth River Greenway without breaks. As has been the trend recently, my Garmin could not keep up so it was hard to tell if we were on pace or not. According to Brian’s watch, we averaged 7:30 pace for the 6 miles, and I actually felt really, really good. I was fairly nervous heading into this run, but my legs were relatively strong all the way through. Our pace was a few seconds slow, but considering this was the first “tempo” run, and I felt great, I’ll take it. With a 1.2-mile cool down, we got in just under 10 total miles for the day.
Great video from CBS This Morning on the resurgence of Vinyl Records. Nashville is featured prominently in the story, and the best thing is that it highlights my favorite record store, Grimey’s, and my favorite current band, The Black Keys. Very cool. Check it out…
JUNE 13, 2014, 6:23 AM | As the age old adage goes, what’s old becomes new again, and yes — vinyl is back. Anthony Mason, anchor of “CBS This Morning Saturday,” reports from Nashville where he speaks with the Black Keys about how this unique sound is coming full circle.
Tuesday’s Run
Yesterday was a scheduled 8-miler at “easy” pace. I met Brian and Nathan at the Edwin Warner Nature Center for a run in the park and on the Harpeth River Greenway. My legs were very tired, but overall the run went ok. I do wish that I could push the pace a little faster, but at this point I’m happy simply be getting in all the scheduled miles. This is especially true considering the heavy humidity. Here’s a breakdown of our splits:
Today’s Run
Since I have a day-trip to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow for a speaking engagement, I needed to move a few things on my schedule around this week. This meant that I got to do a solo track workout this morning at the Hading Academy track. Even though I despise doing track work by myself, this workout actually went really well.
I did the week 2 “speed” workout prescribed in the Hansons Advanced Training Plan. This was 8 x 600m with 400m recovery in-between each interval. This equates to 3-miles of intervals and 2-miles of recovery. Based on my goal marathon time of 3:15, the target splits for this workout are 2:26. While, this is the goal, the Hanson brothers really emphasize not exceeding your target pace, and even make their athletes do sets of push-ups for every second they exceed their goal.
The “ABCs” of Acts
For students in my Wednesday night class on The “ABCs” of Acts, handouts and notes for Acts Chapter 2 are now available online. Lord willing we will cover this text tonight at Bellevue Church of Christ in the Auditorium! This class will begin immediately after the opening devotional at 6:30pm.
Click HERE for more information on this class
Click HERE to download > Acts Chapter 2 Handouts and Notes
Click HERE to download > The “ABC” Outline Template
Please Join Us!
I met Brian and Nathan this morning in the parking lot of the Bellevue United Methodist Church building for a 6-mile loop that incorporated the Harpeth River Greenway. We were met with temps in the mid 60s and a steady rain.
A run in the rain this morning was a welcome change from the soupy heat and humidity of the past two weeks. While it was obviously still humid, the rain was refreshing. My legs were very tired, but again they felt better than the same day last week, which is a positive. I can tell that my body is slowly adapting to the workload, but I still have a LONG way to go.
Sara has only heard this song from LINKIN PARK a handful of times, but as of her second listen she has been screaming out the chorus at the top of her lungs. Decided that we had to capture a bit of the entertainment for the whole world to enjoy. She’s a little iffy on the lyrics for the verses.