What is Team Agee?
It is what we call our family, and represents our approach to faith and life together. We are team that…
(1) Strives to serve the Lord together in everything we do. Without God, the strength of this team would not be possible. Our number one priority in life is to follow Jesus Christ and pass this faith to our children.
(2) Enjoys doing things together, whether it be our family meals, going on a hike, or sharing a wonderful vacation.
(3) Faces everything together, including both joys and problems. We are in this as a team and understand that the good times are even better when enjoyed together, and dealing with difficulties is much easier when faced as a family.
(4) Aims to be physically active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. All of us enjoy running and exercising at some level, but we always allow our kids to choose the things they want to do. Both have participated in running races, but they also like hiking, gymnastics, ballet, and yoga. Our main goal is to establish a foundation of being active that will carry on throughout our lives.
Our Team Agee Blog launched in 2010 on Tumblr and was a way for us to share the journey of our family as it relates to the ideas listed above. In 2013 we decided to move to our our own website as a way to provide a better platform for not only the Blog, but also Bible Study Materials, Sermon Audio, Race Reviews, Gear Reviews, and interacting with followers. Thank you for visiting!
After being pretty sick, (bronchitis) Ii have finally sat down and studied the material you sent me. I really do thank you and I think I have a much clearer idea what Peter meant…I think he meant it as Jesus spoke through the apostles, he is speaking through the HS. That makes more sense to me. Hope I’m right. Is that how you see it. Again thanks so much for your help.
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