After intense negotiations, all four of us agreed that the best album, out of our collection of 428 #vinyl records, to play first on our brand new U-Turn Orbit Custom #turntable from @uturnaudio is “All Your Favorite Bands” by Dawes (@dawestheband). They truly are one of our family’s favorite bands and we plan to listen to the rest of our favorite bands on this fine player. #music #family.
Home»Blog»Music»Vinyl»After intense negotiations, all four of us agreed that the best album, out of our collection of 428 #vinyl records, to play first on our brand new U-Turn Orbit Custom #turntable from @uturnaudio is “All Your Favorite Bands” by Dawes (@dawestheband). They truly are one of our family’s favorite bands and we plan to listen to the rest of our favorite bands on this fine player. #music #family.