“Before the invention of a cushioned shoe, runners through the ages had identical form: Jesse Owens, Roger Bannister, Frank Shorter, and even Emil Zatopek all ran with back straight, knees bent, feet scratching back under their hips…” (from Born to Run)
Two days ago I finished the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It’s going to take me a while to process everything that was presented, but I know that I will never look at running the same way again. Even before I began the book, I already knew there were things about my form and footwear that needed to change. This book really solidified that thinking, but has also given me a whole host of other things to work my mind around.
“Back Straight? Check.
Knees bent and driving forward? Check.
Heels flicking back? … There’s your problem” (from Born to Run)
Something else it did was just make me want to go out and run. I suddenly wanted to be one of the Tarahumara that could run a marathon every day in hurache sandals through the Copper Canyons. I wanted to be Caballo Blanco or Barefoot Ted or Scott Jurek who can not only run for hours and hours and hours, but also seem to embrace the pure joy of running.
This book is a LOT of fun to read. It is fast paced. It is a good story. It has a compelling premise. I have a feeling this is one that I will read a number of times. This is the first Kindle book I’ve read where I’ve actually highlighted sections so I can go back and reference them when needed.
For those of you that have also read this book. What did you think? Do you buy the premise? Did it make you change anything about your running form? Your footwear? Your commitment?