I need to come up with some new pet peeves…my kids don’t seem to care much about the ones I have now.
My little Sara singing the chorus to “Lord Reign in Me” before going to bed…We both LOVE this song!
I’ve got a lot of great pictures of Kate running, but this one from Sunday’s ING Kids Rock Marathon is by far my favorite! Look at her Go!!
I love the form! I love the intensity! I’m so proud of my Kater Bug!!!
While I was putting Sara (She’s 3) to bed, I laid my head on top of hers for a snuggle….
Do you want me to sleep here like this all night?
No, you need to go downstairs and sleep in your bed. But….you can call for me if you need me, and I’ll come down and sleep with you.
Kate had two pieces of art selected for “Evening with the Arts” at Lipscomb Academy, and they remained on display at the school for the last couple of weeks. All of the selections were made by the art teacher and the world renowned artist Michael Shane Neal. This event ended a few days ago, and we cannot wait to get them framed for display in our home. We are so proud of Kate! Here are the two items selected:
Per Kate, this is a water-color painting where she used salt mixed with blue paint for the ocean water to give it the cool effects. She also used a white crayon for some of the electric “shocks” and bubbles. The painting includes a clown fish in the lower-left, an electric eel in the upper left, and a big puffer fish in the middle. I love this one!
Per Kate, this is a torn paper mosaic made from construction paper. I love the mix of colors she used on this one, and this is also her favorite of the two.
Video: Teaching Sara to ride a bicycle in the Bellevue Church of Christ parking lot. Lots of Fun!