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My 10 Favorite Albums of 2014
I ended up spending a lot more time in 2014 focused on music rather than running. This has mostly manifested itself in learning to play guitar / bass and also in listening to a LOT of music on vinyl. I love vinyl, and I’ve found that spending time in record stores like Grimey’s, Third Man Records, and The Groove has exposed me to a lot more of what is out there than browsing in iTunes. Because I’ve spent so much time listening to music this past year, I decided to think through my favorite albums of 2014. Even now, there were still records released in 2014 that I’m really interested in, but have not yet had a chance to listen to. These would include albums like Morning Phase from Beck and Lost in a Dream by The War on Drugs.
With that being said, below is the list that I came up with. All of these are from musicians that write their own songs (very important to me) and released their albums on vinyl (not sure if I purchased any albums in 2014 that were only released digitally). Some of these are from musicians I’ve followed for years, and some are from groups that I became aware of in 2014.
Great video from CBS This Morning on the resurgence of Vinyl Records. Nashville is featured prominently in the story, and the best thing is that it highlights my favorite record store, Grimey’s, and my favorite current band, The Black Keys. Very cool. Check it out…
JUNE 13, 2014, 6:23 AM | As the age old adage goes, what’s old becomes new again, and yes — vinyl is back. Anthony Mason, anchor of “CBS This Morning Saturday,” reports from Nashville where he speaks with the Black Keys about how this unique sound is coming full circle.