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I haven’t had a regular blog post about running since April, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been running. Actually, tomorrow I am planning to participate in the Murfreesboro “Middle” Half Marathon, which will be my first race since early May 2014. My goals are very modest relative to some of my finish times over the past 5 years, but I am extremely grateful to be back on the road running again.
Last August I was in the latter stages of a hard-core training plan for the St. George Marathon when I found out that my mom had cancer. Exactly 5-weeks later she passed away suddenly on a Saturday morning, and running took a significant back-seat to many other things in life. Not only did running become an extremely low priority, but I also lost my desire to run. I went from running 6-days every week to only running 6 times TOTAL from September 13, 2014 through the end of February 2015.
I believe it was in January or February that my friend Brian began reaching out to me in earnest, trying to get me to join him for morning runs. I eventually agreed, and slowly stared running with him. At first it was only 2 or 3 times per week, but eventually I worked back up to consistently running 4 to 5 days each week. However, without Brian I’m pretty certain that I would still be on the bench and NOT running. I owe him a lot for helping to get me back out on the road, and not just because of the physical benefits of running. I was in a dark place emotionally dealing with my mother’s death, and Brian’s effort to get me back into running has helped me more emotionally than it has physically.
My fitness now is nowhere near what it was a couple of years ago, but I’m excited about running in a race again alongside my friend who helped me get back to the starting line.
I AM A RUNNER! < Click here for all “I Am A Runner” Posts
I closed out last week with a great 5-mile run on Saturday through Belle Meade with Jenny and Marc. It was chilly but overall fairly pleasant conditions. They are both in better shape than me, and it took a great deal of effort to hang with them through the hills, but I made it!
For the week I completed 12-miles and lost 2.5 lbs toward my goal of 20 by July 1.
This week I have been traveling for work in Johnstown, PA and actually competed a 4-miler on Monday night and 3-milers on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I wasn’t necessarily planning to do three consecutive days, but my body felt good and I enjoyed exploring the town on foot. I came down with a bad cold late last night, so I’m definitely taking today and tomorrow off, but hope to feel better and get in a good 5-miler on Saturday to make this a 15-mile week.
I’ve also stayed on my “training” diet this week, which can be a challenge while traveling. Hoping to show continued progress on the scale Monday morning.
I AM A RUNNER! < Click here for all “I Am A Runner” Posts