BBC Animal Video – This is Really, Really Funny! – got it from @Pogue
Love this picture of my daughter Kate @RunRocknRoll #INGKidsRock Marathon in Nashville – Wish my running form was that good!!
My thoughts on the 36th annual One America 500 Festival Mini-Marathon in Indianapolis, IN
One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon
May 7, 2011
My Run: Overall, the One America 500 Festival Mini-Marathon (Mini) in Indianapolis was my eighth half marathon. This was the third year in a row that I have run the Mini, which is the largest half marathon and fifth largest road race in the U.S. with 35,000 runners. The Mini is part of the month-long 500 Festival that leads up to the Indianapolis 500.
Finisher’s medals from @500Festival #MiniMarathon – Tim: 1:32 / Olivia: 2:46
Getting ready for @500Festival #MiniMarathon in the morning w @OliviaAgee.
With @OliviaAgee & @PaxtonB at the @500Festival #MiniMarathon Expo
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Great sign…very motivational!
My training for the Indy 500 Festival Mini-Marathon this year has been focused on breaking 1:30:00 for the first time. However, just found out today that the first 500 finishers (out of 30,000+) receive a special medal (pictured above). Last year, the time to make the top 500 was 1:28:40. Not sure that I have this in me, or even a 1:30:00 for that matter, but it is very tempting to give it a shot (keeping in mind that the time could be completely different this year). Is this crazy?
My feeling is that any day that I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy.
So proud of Kate for finishing all 26.2 miles of the @RunRocknRoll #CMM Kid’s Marathon, including the last mile tonight. This was her 5th kid’s marathon completed!! Way to go Katerbug!!!
Kate getting ready for the @RunRocknRoll #CMM Kid’s Marathon #fb
Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it’s all about.
@Kate_Agee in a really, really big chair.
Kate with her playoff beard getting ready for game 6 of #Preds vs #Ducks #fb #NHL
Most mistakes in a race are made in the first two minutes, perhaps in the very first minute.
Nashville Predators – Highlights from the unbelievable overtime finish to the Preds vs. Ducks game last night. Weber ties it, Smithson wins it!!!
To say that I’ve never been a big fan of Ray Lewis would be a MAJOR understatement. However, I was blown away by this speech he made to the Elon Phoenix football team. Wow! (Note: in the video there is a swear word yelled by one of the players after the speech is over)