Tomorrow morning I will leave Nashville with my Dad and a group of 30+ from Maple Hill Church of Christ in Lebanon TN on a mission trip to southern Honduras. This will be my fourth time to go down, and my third time working in the village of Namasigue.
Most of our group will be holding a medical brigade, but I will again have the opportunity to work with a three-man evangelism team teaching throughout the village with the local preacher.
I hate being away from Olivia, Kate and Sara, but relish the opportunity to teach the gospel in this impoverished country. Even though I don’t go down there thinking about what I can get out of it, I always come back with a fresh perspective on the things that really matter in life.
I don’t know if I’ll have Internet connectivity or not, but if I do I’ll try to post daily updates on the evangelism efforts. Prayers would be appreciated for a safe and successful trip.