Professional Runner Christian Hesch Admits Doping
This story has been exploding across the running world over the past 24-hours, but I’m finding the story behind the story to be even more fascinating than Hesch’s admission. The article linked above is by Mario Fraioli with who details how Hesch and journalist Stephen Kasica played a behind-the-scenes game with several publications. Fascinating read. Hesch’s apology, as well as the New York Times and Runner’s World Newswire articles mentioned in the piece are linked below:
Christian Hesch Publicly Apologizes For Doping –
In Chase for Wins, a Runner Cheats – New York Times
Road Ace Christian Hesch Doped, Facing Ban – Runner’s World Newswire
As for the admission, it does make me wonder how widespread doping or PEDs are in the world of professional running.