Log for August 8 – Training for Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 9th. Goal for the fall and winter marathon season is to break 3:15 for the first time.
- 5-Mile Trail Run – Even though I am NOT a morning person, I still hate it when I’m not able to get my training runs done in the AM. This morning I had an 8am meeting at a client that is over an hour away. Since Mondays are my scheduled trail days, I didn’t want to get up extra early and run trails in the dark. Therefore my only two options were to do either an early road run, or a trail run later in the day. Fortunately my schedule was such today that I was able to get home around 4:15pm, so I decided to just do an afternoon trail run.
The bad thing about afternoon runs in August is that it is HOT….just over 90 degrees at the start with high humidity. I started off running the blue trail in Edwin Warner park, and immediately felt the sluggishness from my 18 mile run on Saturday. I ended up doing the blue, yellow, orange, candy cane, and red (partial) trails for a total of just over 5 miles. My legs finally started feeling better about 3 miles into the run, and were feeling quite good as I finished. The soreness that I started feeling in my big toe last week is now becoming more pronounced, and I’m sure that the 51-mile week last week did not help.
Also today, I ran for the first time in my new Tifosi sunglasses that I got for my birthday. These feature red, fototec lenses that change tint based on the level of sunlight. They are also vented to prevent fogging. I was able to wear them on the entire run, even in dense tree cover, and never once felt like I couldn’t see the trails. Also, they never came close to fogging up, even in the high humidity. Definitely a good accessory for the arsenal.