Log for July 7th – Training for Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 9th. Goal for the fall and winter marathon season is to break 3:15 for the first time.
- 7-mile track workout – It was soooo good to be back with the Jim Spivey Running Club (JSRC) for a track workout tonight. The group runs were moved from Thur to Wed for 3 weeks due to a conflict at the track (I’m not available on Wed evenings), and I missed last week’s workout on Thur because of vacation.
The conditions were not ideal as the humidity was so thick that it felt like running through a bowl of soup, and tonight’s workout was tough. However, I was feeling really, really good. My buddy Nathan and I ran this workout together almost stride for stride. We took turns leading the laps, and with one exception, maintained very consistent splits throughout. With warmup and cooldown, I was able to complete 7 total miles, and then enjoyed a nice dinner at The Dog of Nashville with the group.
- Cross Training – This has not been a great week for cross training. I got home late because of track, and am really gonna have a hard time doing upper-body work until my hand heals a little more from the fall on Tuesday. Hoping to be back doing upper body soon.