Log for July 11th – Training for Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 9th. Goal for the fall and winter marathon season is to break 3:15 for the first time.
- 6-Mile Trail Run – This was the worst that I’ve felt on a run in a long time. I guess the total mileage and effort from last week, plus the oppressive heat here in Tennessee (heat index got to 110 degrees during the day) really got to me today. My legs just had nothing. I ran with Nathan for the first 4 miles, but eventually told him to go on without me, because I knew I was holding him back. A little humbled by the run, but glad that I got through it.
- Cross Training – I was finally able to get in a partial set of P90X: Chest & Back. The hand is getting better every day, and I was able to get in about 110 push up reps using bars and a lifting glove. Very interesting to try and do diamond and dive bomber push ups using bars, but I got ‘em done. Not quite my normal number of reps, but glad to be able to get some good work done tonight.