I don’t think I’ve posted a running update for the past two weeks, but I’ve continued to slowly build my mileage back up as I train for the Rock n’ Roll NOLA Marathon. I’m feeling really good, and my speed and endurance are coming back waaaaay quicker than I anticipated.
Here are a few of the highlights from the past two weeks.
Tempo Workouts
Starting a week ago Tuesday (and continuing this Tuesday), I put tempo workouts back into my training schedule for the first time since coming back from the injury. Last week Nathan and I did a 20-minute warmup, 20-minutes at 7:10 pace (just below goal marathon pace), and a 20-minute cool-down. The tempo segment was tougher than I expected, but I guess I should not have been surprised since I was only two days removed from my longest run in 14-weeks.
This week we did a 20-minute warmup, then 6 x 4-min tempo (with 1-min active recovery), and a 20-minute cool-down. The goal for the tempo section was to run at a pace between 6:50 and 7:00. For 4 of the 6 we ended up running at faster than goal pace (6:30s and 6:40s), 1 was right on target, and 1 was a touch slow. Overall though it was a good, tough workout.
Track Workouts
I didn’t get to run track this week, but last week’s workout felt fantastic. Here’s the rundown:
- ~3-Mile Warmup
- 6 x 100m Stride Outs
- 800m Group “Indian Run” (200m Recovery)
- 800m f (300m Recovery)
- 600m f (300m Recovery)
- 800m Straights and Curves
- 600m f (300m Recovery)
- 800m f
- 3/4-Mile Cool Down
In peak condition I would run my 800m “fresh” intervals around 2:50 to 2:55, and during this workout my two splits were 3:00 and 2:57. Just a touch slower than at my peak, but still much further along than I thought I would be at this point.
Long Runs
Two weeks ago today I completed a 15-mile run, which was my longest run since returning to running. My plan during marathon training is to only increase my long run mileage every other week. With that in mind, last week I had a very enjoyable 14.4-mile run with our group on Old Natchez and Moran roads in Franklin. This was a beautiful morning for a run, and the pace was a bit more chill than my 15-miler the previous Saturday.
Today I completed a 17-mile run on a gloomy, yet warm and humid, day in Brentwood. The planned group run was for 3 different loops totaling 14 to 15 miles. Since I wanted at least 17, Nathan and I started a bit early and got in 3 before the group arrived. I felt, really, really good for the first 14 or so miles, but my legs started feeling pretty fatigued as I passed my previous long of 15-miles. Part of this had to do with the middle loop of the group run, which was quite hilly, and Nathan and I also picked up the pace a bit.
Also, with this run in the books, my total mileage for 2012 is exactly 1,900 miles completed. I’ve still got a shot at reaching my goal of 2,000, but it’s gonna be close!
Beast Mode…ON!