During the 6 weeks since my last race (500 Festival Mini Marathon in early May), John and I have been working on building my base in preparation for more intense training in July and August. Having just finished another week of running today, I was looking back at my log and noted that this has probably been the most consistent stretch of running I’ve ever had. See the charts below…
Beginning in the middle of last year I stepped up to running 6-days a week, with Sunday off. Following this same pattern with John as my coach, I have not missed a scheduled run for the past five weeks (red boxes are running days / dashed boxes are where I had 2 or more activities on the same day).
I’ve had bigger mileage weeks in the past, but never have I had 6 consecutive weeks with 43+ miles completed. I think there are at least three reasons for this improved consistency in my running: (1) Having a coach who monitors my logs brings a higher level of accountability. (2) I’ve been running a lot recently with Nathan, and it is always easier for me to get out and run when I’ve got somebody to go with me. Also, having a group to run with on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings is awesome. (3) I’ve been injury and illness free.
All-in-all I’m very blessed to be able to run, to enjoy it, to have friends to share it with, and to have a family that supports me.
Beast Mode….ON!