This morning Nathan and I completed a moderate paced 12-mile run on Old Natchez and Del Rio. I love running out there, but sometimes forget how crazy it can be on a weekday morning during the school year. There were so many cars that I stayed on edge for most of the run. I need to make a mental note to stick to weekends during the school year.
As for the run, we started off fairly conservatively with miles of 9:22, 8:28 and 8:15. The next two miles were right at 8:00 min pace, and all but one of the last seven miles were under 8:00, with the last two in the 7:30s. Overall the run felt pretty comfortable, though I do still have some aches from all of the hill running in Honduras last week. It was good to be able to push past 6-miles for the first time in over a week. I’m on schedule to have a 60+ mile week if I can get in a 20+ miler on Saturday.
Fortunately my stomach issues that cropped up yesterday afternoon did not affect this run significantly. Hopefully the worst of that is over. I hope to get in another 2-mile run this afternoon with my daughter Kate as we try to log miles for the ING Kids Rock Marathon.
Beast Mode….ON!