This morning’s schedule called for 45-minutes at easy pace with 6 x 100m stride outs at the end. Josh, Nathan and I met at Bellevue Church of Christ parking lot, and did our 45-minute run through Bellevue, including a loop around the vacant Bellevue Center Mall. Just like last Friday, I did this run in my Saucony Hattoris since my right shin is continuing to feel just fine.
We kept the pace extremely chill throughout the run with nothing faster than a 9:19 mile. This felt great as a recovery run after last night’s track workout. The weather was actually almost a duplicate of the conditions at track, and it even started raining lightly near the end of our initial 45-minutes.
With about 10-minutes to go we turned onto a street called “Green Meadows,” and I started singing the “Green Acres” theme song replacing “Meadows” for “Acres.” For some reason this led Josh to start singing “The Final Countdown” by Europe from 1986. I feel confident this song came out well before Josh was born (he’s a young pup) and right after Nathan was born (I feel old), but this lead to Nathan jumping in and singing it as well and telling a story about one of his former bosses that had this song as their ring tone.
Anyway, back to the run, we finished up our 45-minutes with a couple of loops around the Bellevue church building, and then did our strides in the parking lot. I honestly think I was only at about 60m when they finished each stride, but neither of them did the track workout last night. Even though I felt like I was standing still next to them, I’m pleased with the run this morning and how my legs felt after the hard effort last night.
In total we completed just under 5.25-miles with the stride outs at an average pace of 9:20 per mile.
Beast Mode…ON!