The time between my 75-minute run today and last night’s 15-miler with 10 Yasso 800s was a little less than 12 hours, so I was feeling a little bit of residual fatigue throughout the run this morning.
However, it was good to be joined by both Nathan and Paxton. This was the first run for the acclaimed “Bellevue Trio” in quite some time. We started out at the Bellevue United Methodist Church Parking lot, and ran for 6-miles through the surrounding neighborhood and the new segment of the Harpeth River Greenway.
Paxton only wanted 6-miles total, so we looped back to the cars, and then Nathan and I headed back out into the surrounding neighborhood for our final 25-minutes or so. Our pace started off very, very chill, and then slowly got faster through the first 6-miles. However, I slowed down quite a bit for most of the final 25-minutes, because my legs were toast. I’m looking forward to the nice break before Thursday night’s track workout.
In total Nathan and I completed just under 9-miles with an average pace of 8:50 per mile. That makes just over 30-miles completed since Monday morning.
Beast Mode….ON!