Thursday night means track workout with the JSRC. Tonight was the second of our three week stint at the Harpeth Hall while the Nashville Strider’s Track Series is being held at Vanderbilt. After having great weather last Thursday evening, the heat was back tonight with temps around 90 degrees at the start.
With the heat I was nervous about how I would feel considering I’ve already had one bad run this week. Also, my calves were REALLY sore from my Hattori run yesterday. I didn’t run any more mileage in my Hattoris than usual, but my pace was a bit quicker than I normally do in them.
Here’s the rundown…
- 2+ mile warmup
- 6 x 100m stride outs
- 4 x 200m f (100m recovery) [400m recovery]
- 600m g (400m recovery)
- 4 x 250m f (150m recovery) [400m recovery]
- 600m g (400m recovery)
- 4 x 200m f (100m recovery)
- .8 mile cool down
While I did notice a slight slowdown in my pace from last week due to the heat, I otherwise felt fantastic! Don’t get me wrong, it was very hot, but for some reason the heat did not seem to get to me tonight (though I did drink 64 ounces of fluid during the workout). The only issue I had at all was that my form felt a little sloppy in the curves during the first set of 4 x 200m. This got much better as we went along, so I’m guessing it had a lot to do with my sore calves.
Overall I was very pleased with the consistency of my splits. The two sets of “fresh” 400m repeats were 44, 44, 45, 43 and 43, 42, 42, 42, and my two 600m “good” intervals were 2:08 and 2:07. My final total with warmup and cool down was 7.39-miles completed at a 7:43 average pace.
Beast Mode…ON!