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When I was in high school, and even through college, Queensrÿche was my favorite band on the planet. I listened to the albums Rage for Order, Operation Mindcrime, and Empire so much that it was ridiculous, and saw them in concert at least 3 times. This lasted through the 1997 release of Hear in the Now Frontier, which was not great, but still had a few songs worth listening to. I tried listening to some of their stuff from the late 90s through the 2000s, but found most of it to be terrible.
Well, fast forward to today….there are now TWO bands recording and touring under the name Queensrÿche. One with the original lead singer, Geoff Tate, and no other original member. The other with original members Michael Wilton (Guitar), Scott Rockenfield (Drums), and Eddie Jackson (Bass), along with Todd LaTorre (Lead Vocals) and Parker Lundgren (Guitar). The new songs coming out of the Geoff Tate version are the same old mess that was typical of Queensrÿche from the late 90s and 2000s. However, the song above is the first single, “Redemption,” from the other version of Queensrÿche, with Todd LaTorre on vocals. I must say that I’m really, really digging this song. As a matter of fact I think that Todd LaTorre sounds more like Geoff Tate used to sound than Geoff Tate does today. Also, this song is much closer to classic Queensrÿche than anything that was released after Empire in 1990.
Definitely worth a listen….I have been wearing out the YouTube version since they have not officially released the song for purchase. Thanks to Chris Miller for originally pointing me to this new single.
Back on August 7th of last year, I included the following near the bottom of a post regarding a run through the Belle Meade area of Nashville:
The highlight of a run on Jackson Blvd is passing the infamous “Gateway” mural that is painted onto the side of a house at the corner of Jackson and Harding Place…
For those of you unfamiliar with Nashville, Belle Meade is a very, very affluent area, and the fairly recent unveiling of this mural has caused quite a bit of controversy with their neighbors.
Well, very shortly after this post, the owners of the home painted back over the mural with the original white of the house. After asking around a bit, I found out that it was never intended to be permanent, but the owners considered it their “gift to Belle Meade.” Whatever the case, I’m sure the neighbors were quite relieved.
Today, as I was driving home, I turned down Jackson Blvd. again, and this is what I saw:
While I always thought the original “Gateway” mural was kind of cool (though completely out of place), I find this particular mural to be hideous!
What do you think?
Last night I posted the following statement regarding Southwest Airlines:
On a @SouthwestAir flight. Passengers still standing in the aisle, but no remaining open seats. I hate this airline.
Well….let me now share with you: “The Rest of the Story”
Turns out Southwest had not oversold the plane as it first appeared, though the real story is almost worse. I was the second passenger on the plane, and saw a large number of children boarding (I would estimate 30+ under the age of 12) after I had taken my seat. Many of these children were carrying large trophies, some of which were taller than they were. I later learned that they had participated in a large chess tournament held in Nashville.
After most of the passengers had taken their seats, the flight attendant in the back announced to the passengers still standing in the aisle that there were no more seats in the back and they would have to grab a middle-seat in the front. The front flight attendant quickly announced that there were no seats remaining in the front, so they would have to find a seat in the back. At this point I counted 10 people still standing in the aisle.
This back-and-forth went on several minutes, before the flight attendent in the back admitted that the reason why the back of the plane was “full” was because she had buckled the chess trophies into multiple seats in the back of the plane, even though it was a completely full flight.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Billy Joel lets Vanderbilt Student Play Piano with Him
This is AWESOME! Billy Joel is one of my top 5 favorite musicians / entertainers on the planet (if not my #1 favorite!). I have been to see him in concert 4 times in 3 different cities, and Olivia and I had two of his songs in our wedding back in 1997.
Well, back in January of this year, Billy had an event titled An Evening of Questions and Answers and a Little Bit of Music at Vanderbilt University here in Nashville. During the Q&A session, freshman student Michael Pollack stood up and said that Joel’s New York State of Mind was a favorite song of his…
“I was wondering if I could play it with you. I would accompany you, that is,” he said.
After this, Joel invited him up to play, and the kid absolutely Nailed It, even getting some major props from Billy at the end. Really cool to watch. Pollack later discussed the moment in an interview with
Pay attention for a little Sinatra imitation by Joel during the song.
Apparently we have one or more of these ‘critters’ who has made a home in the air ducts under our house (and has been wreaking havoc with our outside condensor and return air duct). The AC repair people initially found them, and the critter people have set traps to catch them. However, in the meantime, we can’t use our heat in case it sprays. Very grateful it’s turned warmer outside.
How Amazon knows exactly what you want this holiday season from Rock Center with Brian Williams – Thu, Nov 29, 2012
I saw this video last night on Rock Center, and it is an absolutely fascinating look inside one of’s many “fulfillment centers” across the country. What an amazing operation, and a video worth a quick watch (5:32).
Walt Disney buys LucasFilm (Star Wars Episode 7 in 2015)
When I first saw this I thought it had to be a joke, but unfortunately it is true! Since I mostly try to pretend that the prequels never happend, I hate the idea of making even MORE movies.
Apparently I’m in the minority, but I despise the @SouthwestAir boarding process. Today they decided to begin boarding 10 min early on a plane filled with kids. This meant that most of the families with kids boarded at the end, because they didn’t know Southwest was gonna jump the gun. Since no one has an assigned seat, It took an extra 20 minutes once everyone was on-board for them to rearrange everyone so that all the children would be able to sit with their parents.
All three were very compelling reads, but I’m not exactly sure how I feel about Mockingjay. No doubt that The Hunger Games was my favorite. Now the big question….what to read next? Any suggestions?
LEAKED Official Apple iPhone 5 Promo Video – Keynote 2012
Another great book, though not quite a compelling as The Hunger Games. I’ve never been an overly fast reader, which is why I can’t believe I’ve already finished the first two of these books in just over 3 days. Already read the first few pages of Mockingjay!
All I’ve got to say is WOW…..seriously!
inthewright replied to your post: Tag, you’re it! State 10 random facts about yourself, then go to your 10 favorite blogs and tell them that they are it! 🙂
How in the world did you flip your car on the interstate? How many times end-over-end? Did you make it to your high school graduation?
My mom and I were driving back on I-40 from Carthage on what appeared to be a beautiful day. I came around a curve and saw a huge wall of rain just in front of me. By the time I hit the deluge I had slowed down to under 50 MPH, but my car immediately hydroplaned. The back of the car hit a guard rail and the car flipped end-over-end backwards into a valley to the right of the interstate. I’m pretty sure it only flipped once, and we landed on the wheels. Basically the front of the car was destroyed and the back was smashed, but the cab was intact. My mom and I were essentially unhurt.
I remember looking out of the front windshield when the car was flying through the air upside down….creepy. I also remember climbing back up the embankment and a guy in a Nissan 300Z had stopped to check on us. His first words were “Dude! You flipped it!” He then proceeded to pull out his brick of a mobile phone and asked if I wanted to use it. I believe it was the first time I ever used a cell phone.
Yes, I did make it to my high school graduation, and was even able to deliver my speech.
Thanks so much! Never received one of these before, but here goes…
(1) My wife and I will have been married for 15-years on September 6. We met at Lipscomb University in Nashville when she was a Freshman and I was a Sophomore.
(2) I attended Michael Jordan basketball camp in Chicago between my 7th and 8th grade year. Had fun, but came away despising MJ – long story. Best part was being coached by Sean Elliot when he still played for Arizona (before entering the NBA).
(3) I used to be OBSESSED with all things Star Wars, but this was tempered drastically by the prequels which began in 1999. They were awful!
(4) My first car was a Silver 1988 Chevrolet Beretta. I got it for Christmas in 1990, 4 months after my 16th birthday. I loved that car. Flipped it end-over-end on the interstate in 1992, the day before my high school graduation.
(5) My nickname in high school was “Thyge,” which is a mashup of the last three letters of my first name (Timothy) and the middle two letters of my last name (Agee). Do not remember how it started, but even had teachers who called me by this name.
(6) I’ve been to see a LOT of concerts through the years, and by far my favorites have been…
- Billy Joel – I’ve seen him four times (three with Olivia) in three different cities…twice with Elton John. The last time we saw him, Olivia went into false labor after the show. Ended up spending most of the night in the hospital before being released.
- Queensryche – My favorite band through high school and college. Have seen them four times, but the best was in 1991 when they performed Operation Mindcrime in its entirety.
- The Eagles – Got to see them on their first reunion tour with Olivia while I was in college and didn’t have to pay for the tickets (a gift from my boss). Amazing show.
- Simon and Garfunkel – Olivia and I saw them on their most recent reunion tour (6 or 7 years ago). Still sounded fantastic.
(7) My favorite book (other than the Bible) is Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. Also loved the mini-series. My favorite author was Michael Crichton. Especially loved Congo, Sphere, Jurrasic Park, and Timeline.
(8) I have lived in Middle Tennessee my entire life. Have no desire to live anywhere else. Incidentally my wife is from Michigan.
(9) I have not had a soda in almost five years. Still drink LOTS of coffee.
(10) I currently own 5 Mac computers that are actively used by our family. Make my living working with Windows-based systems, but would much rather have a Mac for personal use.
Well…there it is.
Neil Young and Bruce Springstein sing “Whip My Hair” – If you’ve never seen this it is a MUST WATCH! Also, if you’re not familiar with the original by Willow Smith you can catch it by going here.
You can see more Neil and Bruce goodness in this video – Also another MUST WATCH!
P.S. Jimmy Fallon is one seriously talented dude.
A few weeks ago my wife’s car was hit in the parking lot at Publix supermarket, and since last Tuesday it has been in the body shop getting repairs. Well, in somewhat related news, just a few minutes ago I was questioned by an FBI Task Force officer who came to our house investigating a robbery in southern Kentucky this morning.
Apparently the robber drove a car that was the exact same make, model, and color as my wife’s car. Also they were able to get the last two characters from the license plate, and they matched her car as well. While the accident seemed like such a hassle at the time, it was pretty nice to be able to tell the officer that the car had been in the shop since last Tuesday and give him the information on how to confirm it.
While the officer was very nice, I’ve never been questioned by the FBI before (and hope I never am again), and I’ll have to say it was quite unnerving. Even now I still feel a bit unsettled by the whole thing.